Memory Palace [3 artists in the library: Angela Grauerholz, Carol Sawyer and Esther Shalev-Gerz] was an exhibition curated by past Doryphore member, Karen Love. This project was a collaboration between the Vancouver Public Library/Central Library, the City of Vancouver Public Art Program and Doryphore Independent Curators Society, and took place at VPL/Central Branch, May 2008 – February 2010.
In her essay “Memory Palace,” published in the exhibition catalogue, Karen Love observes:
The library is a social environment for intellectual and political needs, a complex support system for collective and individual memory. Its contents are concrete, allusive and elusive, open to re-interpretation. The creative uses of a library illustrate that ideas, however ancient the words that give them substance, are forever fluid, made so by those who borrow from and give back to the memory place.”
Exhibition-related events:
Concert with ion Zoo and vocalist Carol Sawyer, Thursday, May 29, 2008
Artist Talk by Carol Sawyer, Saturday, September 20, 2008